Beef Cuts 101: Everything You Need to Know

Are you looking to make the perfect steak but don’t know which cut of beef is best? Or maybe you want to whip up a delicious pot roast but aren’t sure what type of meat to buy. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered!

In this guide to beef cuts, we will walk you through the primary types of beef, their flavor profiles, fat content, and the best cooking techniques to ensure your meal turns out perfect every time. Once you know the basics about beef cuts, you can confidently choose the right cut for any recipe.

beef cuts from evergreen co

What Is A Beef Cut?

Before we start discussing the various types of beef cuts, let’s talk about what a “cut” is. A cut is simply a type of muscle or steak that has been portioned from an animal during butchering. Each cut comes from a whole muscle “clod” and is then broken down into roasts or steaks depending on muscle structure and consumption styles. 

You may have seen the famous image of a cow with different sections (primals and subprimals) labeled on it. This is a great way to visualize where the various cuts of beef come from and which cuts are more or less tender than others. The variation comes from the amount each muscle group is used, and the fat and fiber structure in each clod. 

Types Of Beef Cuts

Now that you know how cuts are made, let’s talk about the types of beef cuts you should be aware of when cooking. Here is a breakdown of the most popular beef cuts:

1. Beef Chuck

Chuck is one of the more popular cuts of beef, and it comes from the shoulder area of the cow. Also known as the chuck section or front quarter. This muscle is known for its tough texture, high fat content, and great flavor, which makes it perfect for slow-cooking methods such as braising, stewing, or roasting. The fat content in chuck meat gives a rich depth to the flavor that can’t be replicated with other cuts. Much of this flavor also comes from this section being the most worked. The more a muscle is used, the more blood pumps through it and more fat develops around and in it creating much deeper flavor as well as more structure and tougher eating. 

What can you make with chuck? Any slow-cooking dishes such as pot roasts, stews, and even tacos can all be made with the chuck cut. It’s incredibly versatile, making it a popular choice among home cooks and pro chefs a like. 

2. Rib

The rib section of beef is prized for its high-quality and tasty cuts. This area has some of the most fatty, juicy, and flavorful steaks, including Ribeye, Dino ribs, and Skirt steak. The ribeye steak is incredibly flavorful, as it comes from the heavily marbled muscle near the animal’s spine. It’s an especially popular choice when it comes to steak night.

What can you make with these rib section cuts? If you’re looking for a higher-end cut of meat, go with the ribeye steaks or prime rib roasts! These are excellent choices for special occasions, family dinners, or when you feel like eating a nice big juicy fatty piece of meat. Dino ribs, also known as plate ribs, as well as beef back ribs are all very popular for slow smoking and barbequing. You can also use ribs in combination with other cuts of beef to add flavor and texture to stews, pot roasts, and broths. Skirt steaks are a great summer grilling cut and cook quickly and easily! They soak up marinade the best and it helps to tenderize. But with that long grain structure it’s very important to cut it across the grain when eating.

3. Loin Primal

This section arguably produces the most popular steaks like T-bone, Porterhouse New York Strip steaks, and the tenderloin, filet mignon. Which is one of the most tender cuts available. It’s very lean, with a velvety texture and mild flavor, making it ideal for high temp quick cooking. Because this section has the least used muscles on the animal, the meat has less intramuscular marbling and more of the intermuscular fat cap. We would recommend these steaks to anyone who likes less fat and grizzle when they eat. 

If you’re looking for a more tender and less fatty steak, these are all great choices, making a delicious centerpiece to any meal.

4. Sirloin

The sirloin is the rear or rump of the cow, and it’s a popular section due to its versatility. Because this section starts right after the loin there are a few tender morsels here as well. The softest of which is the Top sirloin. You can use this as a roast but is much better as a steak to mimic the tenderloin. Another gem from the sirloin section is the Coulotte, also known as Picanha. This is typically a butcher cut, meaning it often ends up on their dinner table because it’s so good.  

What can you make with sirloin? Sirloin steaks are great for grilling or pan-searing. You can cut the sirloin into cubes and use it in stews or kebabs. Sirloin is an incredibly versatile section and can be used in many dishes.

5. Round / Rear Quarter

Round is a leaner section at the back end of the animal. This cut is prized for its lower fat content and versatility, as it can be used for roasting, steaks, and even grinding into ground beef.

The rump has a flavor profile that reflects more of where the animal came from, and a chewier tougher texture. It’s best when cooked to medium or higher temp. These cuts are best used for roasts or ground beef. This is also the best section to source meat for jerky. 

6. Flank

Cut from the abdomen, flank steak has great flavor but can be tough if not cooked properly, so it’s best to marinate before cooking and slice thinly against the grain after cooking for maximum tenderness. This cut works great for dishes like fajitas or stir-fries.

7. Brisket

Brisket is a tough cut of beef that comes from the chest area of the cow. It’s one of the most flavorful cuts but requires long, slow cooking to break down the connective tissues and make them tender enough to eat. There’s a reason that brisket is so popular for barbeques and slow-cooked meals – it’s one of the most flavorful cuts of beef you can get!

What can you make with brisket? Brisket is great for smoking, braising, or barbecuing. You can also shred the cooked brisket to use in tacos or sandwiches.

Find The Perfect Beef Cut with The Butcher’s Hook

Now that you know the various types of beef cuts, it’s time to get cooking!  And when it comes to picking the best cuts of beef for your meal, you don’t have to go it alone. The Butcher’s Hook offers the best selection of top-quality beef that is sourced from only the finest farms and ranches.

As your friendly Colorado-raised Butcher Shop in Evergreen, CO, we’ve got you covered with our wide selection of steaks, roasts, and everything in between. The Butcher’s Hook has what you need for the perfect meal. Place an order online today, or stop by and let us help you make the perfect meal!