Lamb Cuts 101

It’s one of the most underrated cuts of meat, but it shouldn’t be! Lamb offers a unique flavor and texture that is sure to please any crowd. From dishes such as lamb chops and roast leg of lamb to soups, stews, and even curries, there is something for everyone when it comes to cooking with this delicious meat.

When buying cuts of lamb at the grocery store or butcher shop, it’s essential to know what you are looking for. Lamb cuts can be broken down into four categories: shoulder, rib, loin, and leg. Each cut has its own unique flavor profile and cooking instructions that can make a world of difference in the final product.

Read on to learn a bit more about the different cuts of lamb and the best ways to cook them. And when you are looking for the best cuts in Colorado, make sure to visit The Butcher’s Hook in Evergreen!

Leg of lamb from butcher's hook in evergreen co local butcher

What Are The Types of Lamb Cuts?

Lamb is divided into four main categories when it comes to cuts: shoulder, rib, loin, and leg. Each cut has its own unique flavor profile and cooking instructions that can make a world of difference in the final product.


Lamb shoulder is a versatile meat cut perfect for slow cooking. It has a deep, rich flavor and succulent texture that make it an ideal option for any recipe. The shoulder cut comes from the animal’s front legs, above the foreshank, and below the neck. Lamb shoulder can be cut into roasts, cubes, and steaks.


Lamb rib is a tender cut of meat that has a mild flavor but retains its juicy texture. The ribs come from the side of the animal and include the rack (the ribeye) as well as other cuts such as loin chops and shoulder chops. Lamb rib can be prepared in various ways- from grilling to roasting – and offers a delicious flavor no matter how it’s cooked.


The loin cut is a leaner cut of lamb, taken from the back of the animal, usually just below the ribs and near the backbone. It is best served from medium to rare and has a subtle flavor that pairs well with most herbs and spices. Loin chops are great for grilling, roasting, pan-frying, or even braising.


The leg cut is taken from the lower part of the back legs and is best cooked by roasting or braising. This cut of lamb has a more delicate texture than the other cuts and can be served either rare or medium-well. 

The leg is also one of the most economical cuts, making it the perfect choice for slow cooking on a budget. Legs are a great choice for stews, soups, casseroles, and curries.

No matter which cut of lamb you choose to cook with, understanding the unique characteristics of each type will help ensure a delicious meal every time. When in doubt, visit your local butcher shop or grocery store for further advice on how to prepare the perfect dish!

Tips For Choosing The Right Cut Of Lamb

So, you’ve walked into the butcher shop or grocery store, and you’re ready to buy some lamb. But what should you look for when choosing the right cut? Here are a few tips to keep in mind when you are selecting your meat:

1. Look at the fat content in each cut.

When it comes to selecting the right cut of lamb, the fat content is essential. The fat provides flavor and keeps the meat tender during cooking. 

Generally, shoulder cuts tend to have more fat than other cuts, while leg and loin cuts are leaner. Rib cuts can vary in fat content depending on which section you choose. It’s important to consider the fat content when choosing a cut of lamb.

2. Consider the size of your party.

How many are you cooking for? Know just how much meat you will need and choose a cut accordingly. If you’re cooking for a large group, shoulder cuts are usually the most economical choice. For smaller groups, rib or loin cuts can be a better option.

3. Don’t forget about the quality.

High-quality lamb will have a brighter red color with firm flesh. Avoid cuts that have any discoloration or deformities, as they may not be fresh. Always shop at a butcher shop or reputable grocery store where you can be sure that the meat is fresh, properly handled, and of the highest quality.

4. Don’t be afraid to ask your butcher for advice.

Your local butcher can be an invaluable source of information when it comes to selecting the right cut of lamb. 

For instance, if you don’t know which type of cut to choose for a particular dish, they can point you toward the right one. Speak to them about your needs and preferences, and they will be happy to advise you on the best cut of lamb for your dish.

5. Don’t forget to season your lamb!

A simple seasoning of salt and pepper can go a long way in bringing out the flavor of the meat. You may also want to add garlic and herbs such as rosemary or thyme for added flavor. Not only can these ingredients add flavor, but they may also help to tenderize the meat – helping you ensure the perfect cook.

Finally, remember to let your lamb rest once it’s cooked. This will help ensure that the meat stays juicy and tender. Allow the meat at least 5 minutes of resting time before serving – this will give you the best results for that next lamb-inspired meal.

Find Your New Favorite Cut at The Butcher’s Hook

If you’re looking for high-quality lamb cuts that are sure to satisfy your taste buds, The Butcher’s Hook in Evergreen is your one-stop shop! With a variety of cuts and a knowledgeable staff to provide advice, you can rest assured that you’ll find the perfect cut of lamb for your next meal. Stop by today and see why we’re the best butcher shop in town!

With these tips, you’ll be sure to pick out the perfect cut of lamb for your next meal. Whether it’s roasted shoulder, grilled ribs, braised leg, or stir-fried loin, there is a cut for every dish and palate. So go ahead and give lamb a try – you may just discover a new favorite!